Wednesday 22 April 2015

Lifou, Loyalty Island

Our second stop was definitely one of my favourites from the trip. The weather was finally in our favour and recovering from the previous days' not so fun adventure, we decided to just swim! No tours for us this time so not that many different photos.

The tranquil Lifou, Loyalty Island of Isle of Pines. 

Can we just take a moment to look at how surreal this is. Just looking at this picture I can still feel the rush from sitting on top of the tender and finally seeing some land. 

So lush and clear! It was surrounded by the greenest trees and plants and the water was some of the cleanest i've ever seen. Island vibes were going wild. 

I have no words to be honest. All I can think of is amazing and wow and blue, blue, blue! All the different shades in the water all came together so artistically. I look and this picture and feel as if it's a painting. 

All these people ruined my shot, geez. Kidding! Here's a better picture of all the different gradients in the water, the sky too was so blue and fluffy! 

I loved how vibrant the markets were. A really small amount of stalls but each one had the most intricately hand-crafted pieces. From magnets to clothing to bags, even passport stamps! My only advice is to compare the prices before you purchase, some people are so stingy. 

The amount of random photos I took. Once again, i'm going to comment on the beauty of the water. So ethereal. 

Anddddd last but not least, my favourite photo from the visit. Not too sure why but the island just looked so relaxing. I ran out all the way here to take a picture and received many laughs and stares from people but you do what you gotta do.  

The weather was so nice. It wasn't cold at all but it most definitely wasn't boiling hot either. We went canoeing! It was the most tiring thing i've ever done, have got to pick my lifting game up. 

The beauty of this island is just unbelievable.

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